Allow me to introduce you to our son, Jack Owen Proffitt!

Jack arrived on September 28. 2019 at 4:02am. He weighed 8 lbs 8 oz and was 21 3/4 inches long. We’ve been eagerly awaiting his arrival and already we can’t imagine life without him. I can’t wait for what our life has in store as we enter this new phase together.

This new phase has had me thinking, and I’m excited to share a new project with you. I’ve been dreaming up this project over the past few months, and I’m already enjoying it. It’s a new project based on a theme I’ve written about at The Wandering Proffitt before.

When we count our time we make our time count.

This idea has shaped so much of my life over the past few years, but I first heard it in the context of parenting. When I first heard it I could have never imagined that I would be a parent, but it has a lot more meaning as I look into Jack’s eyes.

I don’t want my time with my Jack to slip away, so I’m going to count my time with him. We’ll have roughly 936 weeks from now to the time he turns 18 and I want to be present for as much of that time as possible. I know from talking to countless parents that time has a way of getting away from us, so I’m looking for a way to track my time with Jack.

What better way to stay focused on the journey that lay ahead than writing about it? Here at The Wandering Proffitt I’m going to devote some of my thoughts to what I’m learning from life with Jack. It’s fitting to write about the journey of parenting here because I’ve talked to so many parents who have told me that parenting sometimes makes them feel like they’re wandering in the wilderness.

Each Friday, be on the lookout for a post about life with Jack. Sometimes they’ll be short, other times they’ll be long, and other times they’ll be riddled with clichés; but each one will tell a little more of our family’s story as we journey (and sometimes wander) through life together.

This is going to be fun! I’ve spent the past 11 years investing in the lives of other people’s kids and now it’s time to see what life looks like with a kid of my own. How will it go? You’ll have to stop by to find out!

Thanks for stopping by.