It’s hard to believe that week 69 was the last week in January. The month passed us by in a blink and week 69 passed at light speed. Jack is now 16 months old and for the most part he’s loving life. This week was a busy one for me and I can’t remember a lot of the specifics, so this week I’m going to pause and focus on some things that are true about the phase of life Jack is in right now.

Jack loves a lot of things right now. I’m blown away by his capacity to love people and stuff. I hope this is something that remains true as he gets older. He loves mama. A lot. Jack is in a phase where he’s inseparable from Allison when they’re in the same place. It’s fun to watch him light up when she walks in the room or when he sees her for the first time in the morning. It’s a little less fun when all he wants to do is be held by her so she can’t get a moment to herself, but we recognize that this is a phase and it’s a phase we don’t want to miss.

Jack loves building with blocks and bath time. Last week we bought Jack a building blocks table that has quickly become one of his favorite toys. He has suddenly come to appreciate bath time this week and is much more capable of communicating the things he likes (and dislikes). Blocks and bath time are up there, but our golden doodle Emmett (who Jack can now call by name) and his stuffed dog “puppy” are also very high on the list of things that Jack enjoys right now. Jack is loving life and he’s constantly on the move.

We’re running now. Jack no longer toddles from place to place – he’s now running. He loves running around the house and he’s moving a lot quicker in general. This speeds up our morning routine, which is nice, but it also means more bruises. Jack is full of passion and adventure…which leads to at least one new bruise a week. This week’s bruise comes courtesy of us being a little too confident on the two stairs that I had given him to climb on. With our tumble from stair number two Jack has now been relegated back to a single stair to climb on.

He started using a spoon…ish. This is probably the most major milestone from this past week. I’ve been putting off giving Jack a spoon for the last few weeks, but this week it was unavoidable. It’s now clear that he really wants to feed himself. It was messy, as you can imagine; but it’s crazy to think that Jack is slowly learning to feed himself.

2021 feels like it’s going by quickly. When Jack was born I imagined how fun it would be when he could do things on his own, but now that he’s becoming more autonomous I find myself cherishing the moments where we had to do more for him. I can only imagine how I’ll feel as he continues to grow in his independence. Time really does fly and the pace of week 69 of 936 is a solid reminder that time will get away from us if we aren’t intentional with it.

Thanks for stopping by!

When I’m tempted to phone it in or get frustrated by the phase we’re in I remember the phrase “when you count your time, you make your time count.” That’s what this series is about – counting our time to ensure that we make the most of the time we have with our son, Jack, from the time he was born to the time he turns 18, a period of about 936 weeks. You can read more about the motivation behind this series by clicking here.

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